A Summary on the Use of Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement Material for Cement in Concrete


  • Heba Adnan Ahmed Department of Surveying, Darbandikhan Technical Insititute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, KRI, Iraq




Fly Ash, Compressive Strength, Cement, Tensile Strength, Workability


Cement is one of the most widely used building materials on the planet. Cement manufacturing has also increased carbon emissions to their greatest level in recent years. Alternative or low-emissions binders have become more popular as a partial cement substitute in recent years. Because of its huge yearly output as waste material and low cost, fly ash is now regarded as one of the most accessible choices. Fly ash-based construction materials have a lot of promise as cement substitutes because of their high performance and inexpensive cost. The purpose of this article is to look at how fly ash affects the workability, setting time, compressive strength, and tensile strength of concrete. The kinds and characteristics of fly ash were also investigated.


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Author Biography

  • Heba Adnan Ahmed, Department of Surveying, Darbandikhan Technical Insititute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, KRI, Iraq

    Heba Adnan Ahmed: Works at the Deprtment of Surveying, Darbandikhan Technical Insititute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, KRI, Iraq.


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How to Cite

A Summary on the Use of Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement Material for Cement in Concrete. (2021). UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.25079/ukhjse.v5n2y2021.pp72-80