Asnawa – The Forgotten Mountain




Asnawa, Penjween, Magnetite, Wustite, Hematite


In Kurdish vocabulary, Asnawa means a place where iron is rich in the area. The five iron quarries of Asnawa are located to the south-east of Penjween town. A difficult unpaved road climbs through the Bilkian valley leads to the area of the iron ore which can be visited only by a four-wheel drive vehicle. The aria is about 1350 meters high in elevation and takes only half an hour from Penjween to reach to the quarries. The areas surrounding the road and the quarries are dangerous as being full of remnants of weapons especially mine fields and different kinds of unexploded shells.


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Author Biography

  • Sherwan Kafoor, Department of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq

    Dr. Sherwan Kafoor, assistant professor and director of quality assurance at UKH completed his MSC and Ph.D. degree from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK in the field of chemistry of minerals "Iron and Aluminium oxides and Oxyhydroxides”. He joined Brunel University in 1994, worked, studied and completed his second MSc degree in 1997 in the field of Environmental Pollution Science with Legislation and management. Sherwan became an Environmental Pollution Expert, he continued his managerial career for years until his homecoming in 2010 to Kurdistan to join the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research as a Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation. In addition to his QA job, Sherwan was lecturing Clay Mineralogy in the Department of Soil Science, University of Salahaddin. He has 9 published scientific papers, he is also expert in landfill and recycling management. He Joined UKH on 1st of August 2016 as Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation. He also teaches geochemistry and Environmental Pollution Science at the Department of NREM, UKH. Sherwan is the Editor-in-chief of two journals; UKHJSS and UKHJSE.


Al-Bidary, M. A. (2011). Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Asnawa iron deposit. Penjwen Area, NE-Iraq: PhD Thesis, University of Baghdad. p. 113.

Bolton, C. M. G. (1958). The geology of Ronia area Site. Inv. Co. Report, SOM Library, No. 271 Baghdad.

Jassim, Z. & Goff, S. C. (2006). Geology of Iraq. Brno: Published by Dolin, Prague and Moravian Museum.

Kafoor, S. & Mawloud, K. Q. (2015). Iron oxide mineralogy of asnawa soils, sulaimani province, Kurdistan region. JZS, 17, 105-117.

Kafoor, S. (2017). Iron oxide contents in relation to the colour of asnawa soils. UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 1, 89-94.

McCarthy, M. J. (1956). Geology Of Penjwin Area, A Report By State Company Of Geological Survey and Miming. Baghdad-Iraq.

Yara I. O. M. (2015). Do Asnawa Rocks (kurdistan, iraq) Represent Subcontinental Mantle? New Characterization by Petrology, Mineral Chemistry, Geochemistry and Isotopes”. A PhD thesis. Germany: Faculty of Geosciences, Geo-Engineering and Mining of the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg. p. 150.



How to Cite

Asnawa – The Forgotten Mountain. (2018). UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(2), 1-2.