Addressing Time Shortage with Microteaching




Training, Lesson Plan, Communicative Language Teaching, Feedback


This study presents and evaluates the methodology used in the ninety minutes microteaching lesson, which was carried out on a group of my fourth-year students who are studying English in the university and are training to become English teachers. It aims to assess the role of the teacher, students, materials, and activities used in the classroom and also to address the time shortage with microteaching. It deals with a brief overview of the topic and the class that the lesson is aimed at. Then, the methodology includes details about the method that has been used here, which is based on communicative language teaching (CLT) with the justifications of using it. This is followed by analysing the key features of the lesson plan critically and justifies each activity. Finally, the evaluation of the lesson is presented and microteaching as the best solution and strategy for developing teaching skill has been suggested.


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Author Biography

  • Bahra Taib Rashid, English Department, College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimania, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq

    Bahra Taib Rashid is an MA holder in TESOL at the University of Huddersfield in the UK in 2012. Bahra Taib Rashid also obtained a bachelor degree in English at the University of Sulaimani in 2009. Additionally a Diploma in Teaching English at the Teacher Training Institution in Sulaimani in 1995.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Addressing Time Shortage with Microteaching. (2020). UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 1-8.