Political Stability and Security Status

A Condition for Foreign Direct Investment Attraction in Kurdistan





Economic development, Foreign Direct Investment, Political Stability, Security Status, Stability of Kurdistan


Political stability and security have become important factors of sustainable economic progress for the developing countries, especially states with the experience of war and instability. Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) as a semi-autonomous region tried to improve the level of political stability and security status, to gain more foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth. Consequently, KRI has become the safest region in Iraq and enjoyed political stability and safety. Therefore, during the last decade, KRI has occurred as a new destination of FDI in the Middle East and has received notable progress in most of the economic sectors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of political stability and security status on the FDI attractions and their consequences on economic development. However, it will investigate the factors that make the KRI safer than the rest of Iraq.


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Author Biography

  • Ribaz Chato Biro, Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw, Poland

    Ribaz Chato Biro holds an MA in International Relations by the University of Warsaw-Poland and tries to become a professional author in the field of international relations. He has written a few papers about the given field and tries to publish them in various journals in order to increase the credibility of his work. His main point of interest is the international economy.


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Letters to Editor

How to Cite

Political Stability and Security Status: A Condition for Foreign Direct Investment Attraction in Kurdistan. (2019). UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 11-13. https://doi.org/10.25079/ukhjss.v3n1y2019.pp11-13

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