Petroleum System Modelling of the Akri-Bijeel Oil Field, Northern Iraq: Insights From 1-Dimensional Basin Modelling


  • Rzger A. Abdula Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq
  • Hema Y. Hassan Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq
  • Maryam M. Sliwa Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq



Akri-Bijeel; Bekhme-1; hydrocarbon maturation; PetroMod, Kurdistan Region


The petroleum system of the Akri-Bijeel oil field shows that the Palaeogene formations such as the Kolosh Formation seem to be immature. However, the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous source rocks such as those from the Chia Gara, Naokelekan, and Sargelu formations are thermally mature and within the main oil window because their vitrinite reflectance (Ro%) values are >0.55%. The Triassic Kurra Chine and Geli Khana formations are thought to be in the high maturity stage with Ro values ≥1.3% and within the wet and dry gas windows, whereas the older formations are either within the dry gas zone or completely generated hydrocarbon stage and depleted after the hydrocarbons were expelled with subsequent migration to the reservoir rock of the structural traps.


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Author Biographies

  • Rzger A. Abdula, Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq

    Rzger A. Abdula: He works at the Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq and affiliated to the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Mining, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq.

  • Hema Y. Hassan, Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq

    Hema Y. Hassan works at the Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq.

  • Maryam M. Sliwa, Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq

    Maryam Martin Sliwa works at the Department of Petroleum Geoscience, faculty-of-science-engineering, Soran University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region- F. R. Iraq


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Petroleum System Modelling of the Akri-Bijeel Oil Field, Northern Iraq: Insights From 1-Dimensional Basin Modelling. (2020). UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 4(2), 35-47.

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