Slope Stability Assessment of Korre Village Landslide, SW of Shaqlawa Town, the Kurdistan Region


  • Varoujan K. Sissakian Department of Natural Resources Engineering and Management, School of Science and Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq
  • Hassan Othman Omer 2 Private Consultant Geologist, Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq
  • Zryan Taher Mustafa Engineer, Rutledge Co., Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq



Atterberg limits, Landslide possibility index, Landslide, Retaining wall


Potentially unstable slopes present hazards and pose risks to the traveling public, to the transportation infrastructures, to local economies, and to the environment. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the landslide hazards along Permam–Shaqlawa main road employing the landslide possibility index (LPI) proposed by Bejerman (1994; 1998). The LPI values along with the hazard category were applied to three stations along the above-mentioned main road at Korri village. The raw data for determining the LPI and hazard category were obtained from field observations and measurements. The obtained data involved the study of 10 main characteristic features encompassing geological, structural, hydrological, and geomorphologic conditions of the area under study. Further, soil samples were obtained from the study area for conducting some selected geotechnical properties for interpretation of the obtained results. With no exceptions, all road cut slopes have adverse factors that contribute to create potentially unsafe ground above the main road. The results also indicated that the possibility of failures is high at each station. The causal factors for a landslide in the study area were also presented. In addition, the remedial measures for study slope locations are suggested based on the degree of possibility of failure and field observations.


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Author Biographies

  • Varoujan K. Sissakian, Department of Natural Resources Engineering and Management, School of Science and Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq

    Mr. Varoujan K. Sissakian graduated from University of Baghdad in 1969 with B.Sc. degree in Geology, and M.Sc. in Engineering Geological Mapping from I.T.C., the Netherlands in 1982. He joined Iraq Geological Survey (GEOSURV) in 1971 and was nominated as Expert in 2005; he was the Director of Geology Department since May 2004 until October 2012. He has 125 documented reports in GEOSURV's library and 105 published articles in different geological aspects in different geological journals. He was the Deputy Vice President of the Middle East Subcommission of the Committee of Compilation the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), Paris, from February 2010 until August 2012. Retired on 10 October 2012. His major fields of interest are geological mapping, stratigraphy of the Iraqi territory, site investigation, and geological hazards. He was Visiting Lecturer at the University of Kurdistan Hewler since October 2014 and Lecturer since February 2017.

  • Hassan Othman Omer, 2 Private Consultant Geologist, Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq

    Lab assistant in Geology at UKH, holds a B.Sc. from the University of Damascus (Syria) in Geophysics, Master student in his second year. His area of expertise covers; drilling oil and water wells, wellsite geologist, Core processing engineer, and mud logging. He had worked with several international oil companies in Kurdistan; Gazprom, ALS Group and Taqa Energy.

  • Zryan Taher Mustafa, Engineer, Rutledge Co., Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq

    Engineer, Rutledge Co., Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Slope Stability Assessment of Korre Village Landslide, SW of Shaqlawa Town, the Kurdistan Region. (2018). UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(2), 14-22.

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