The Judicial Review of Law-Making Process in Iraq under the Constitution of Republic of Iraq-2005




Law-Making Process, Initiatives, Bills, Judicial Review in Iraq


The law-making process as a whole vested in the legislative power in the presidential form of government, however in the parliamentary form of government, the executive power participates in the law-making through introducing bills along with legislative initiatives. The Constitution in Iraq grants an original authority to legislate federal laws to the Council of Representatives, however the executive power namely the President and the Council of Ministries participates in the process through introducing government bills to the Council of Representatives. Although the Constitution clearly identifies two methods through which bills shall be presented to the Council of Representatives, there have been disagreements over the constitutionality of laws legislated based legislative initiatives not government bills. The Federal Supreme Court has decided differently on different occasions by depriving the legislative power of its right to initiate in some cases or by putting restrictions in some other cases. This research analyzes the line drawn between the Council of Representatives and the executive power in the process of law-making at its first stage and then examines the Federal Supreme Court’s understanding in the light of the text of the Constitution.


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Author Biography

  • Adnan Amin Qadir, Department of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Slemani, Sulaimanayah, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

    Adnan A. Qadir, (LL.M), (LL.B). He earned his master's degree in law from the University of Wisconsin Madison in United States after recieving a scholarship from the Iraqi governemnt. Before that, he graduated from the College of Law in the University of Sulemani with the highest rank in the graduating class. He specializes in consititutioanl law and has been working as a lecutrer at the Faculty of Law in the University of Slemani since 2013. He has two publications in Cihan University Sceintific Journal and Legal and Political Studies Journal in University of Kirkuk. 


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Research Articles

How to Cite

The Judicial Review of Law-Making Process in Iraq under the Constitution of Republic of Iraq-2005. (2020). UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 37-49.

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