The Impact of Job Training on Employee’s Satisfaction: A Study in Public Institutions in Western Uganda


  • Crispus Tashobya Department of Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Governance, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda
  • Pereez Nimusima Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, Mountains of the Moon University, Fort Portal, Uganda
  • Robert Mugabe Department of Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Governance, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda
  • Benard Begumisa Department of Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Governance, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda



This study examined the relationship between on-job and off-job training on employee job satisfaction at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Western Uganda. To be able to realise the study objectives, a cross-sectional survey design, quantitative in nature was adopted. The targeted population comprised the employees of MUST where a sample of 230 respondents was chosen guided by Krejcie and Morgan sample determination table. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires through telephone interview in order to adhere to Corona Virus pandemic guidelines related to social distancing. Simple random sampling technique was adopted during sample selection. Data collected was analysed using the analysis function of the Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS version 20). The study findings indicate a moderate positive and significant relationship between on-job training/off-job training and job satisfaction.  On-job training predicted job satisfaction to the tune of 14% compared to 9% variation in job satisfaction caused by off-job training. On the basis of observation that the case institution does not organize trainings for supervisors on how to conduct appraisals, the study recommends that human resource (HR) practitioners and policy makers inculcate trainings for supervisors on how to conduct performance appraisals in order to equip supervisors with sufficient performance appraisal skills to be able to appropriately identify employee training needs. Future research may carry out a long tudinal study to test how on-job and off-job training predict job satisfaction in a private higher learning institution setting in another country.


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Author Biography

  • Robert Mugabe, Department of Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Governance, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda




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How to Cite

The Impact of Job Training on Employee’s Satisfaction: A Study in Public Institutions in Western Uganda. (2022). UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 1-8.

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