A Review of Nader Khalili Shelter Design Thoughts from the Sustainability



Modernism, Nader Khalili, Traditional Designing, Housing, Sandbag


Contemporary architecture exists in Nader Khalili’s creative designs, including house designs in the USA and Iran, combined with the traditional architecture of Iran.  His designs are founded on four characteristics, first is the inspiration from nature, and the other three focuses on low-cost, self-help, and eco-friendliness. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate his architectural thinking and the design process that leads to a rapid and sustainable shelter. In addition, this shelter can be built-in critical conditions or can be long-lasting in any crucial situation. The methodology used in this study is analytical based on qualitative and quantitative approach. The method, which is used to collect the data, is based on literature review and observation. The study concludes that Khalili’s designs are reasonable at low prices and quickly built and sustainable.


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Author Biography

  • Hirou Karimi, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, Turkey

    She is holding a master's degree in architectural engineering from Tabriz Islamic Azad University, Iran. She demonstrate a very good academic performance during her master studies, as she completed her master's degree as the top student in the architectural engineering department in less than 2 years, as a high honored student. She has five publications in SCI-indexed journals and Ten conference papers. Furthermore, she has authored three books. All of her journal publications and books are related to architecture, solar thermal energy, HVAC, thermal energy storage and energy systems, green architecture, and urban design.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

A Review of Nader Khalili Shelter Design Thoughts from the Sustainability. (2022). UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(2), 1-7. https://journals.ukh.edu.krd/index.php/ukhjse/article/view/458

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